Homesik Company Limited is committed to protecting your privacywhen you use our on-line, telephone or other services ("Services").In this policy we explain how and why we collect your information, what we dowith it and what controls you have over our use of it.
From time to time, we add or change functions, features orproducts to our Web Sites or add or change Services. This, and our commitmentto protecting the privacy of your personal information, may result in periodicchanges to this Privacy Policy. As a result, please remember to refer back tothis Privacy Policy regularly to review any amendments.
Any questions regarding our Privacy Policy should be directed tocontact or alternatively see the details below.
Your acceptance of these Privacy Statementterms
By using any of the sites within our web site network ("WebSites") or our Services, you unconditionally agree to be bound by thisPrivacy Policy.
What data do we collect and how do we use it?
Homesik Company Limited collects and processes information aboutyou in order to:
1. identify you each time you visit a Web Site or wish to have aService provided;
2. process orders or applications submitted by you;
3. improve our Services and Web Sites
4. customise your experience, for example, provide advertisementsthat we think are relevant to you and which support any specific requests forinformation you may make through keyword searches;
5. carry out research on the demographics, interests and behaviourof all of our customers; and
6. send you information we think you may find useful, includinginformation about new Homesik Company Limited products and services.
You may be asked, either when you register with us, or at othertimes, for information about yourself, such as your name, e-mail address,postal address and telephone number. You may also be asked to share with usyour interests, hobbies and preferences. In addition, when you order certaingoods or services from our Web Sites, we will need to know your credit/paymentcard number and expiration date.
You are under no obligation to provide this information, but ifyou don't then we may not be able to provide you with certain services orpersonalise your experience and tailor our Services for you (for example, tellyou about special offers on things you're interested in).
Logfiles/IP addresses
When you visit our Web Sites, we automatically log your IPaddress (the unique address which identifies your computer on the internet)which is automatically recognised by our web server. We use IP addresses tohelp us administer our Web Sites and to collect broad demographic informationfor aggregate use. We do not link IP addresses to personally identifiableinformation.
Nonpersonal information
We may automatically collect non-personal information about yousuch as the type of internet browsers you use or the site from which you linkedto our Web Sites. You cannot be identified from this information and it is onlyused to assist us in providing an effective service on our Web Sites. We mayfrom time to time supply the owners or operators of third-party sites fromwhich it is possible to link to our Web Sites with information relating to thenumber of users linking to our Web Sites from their sites. You cannot beidentified from this information.
Useof Cookies
Cookies are pieces of information that a Web Site transfers toyour hard drive to store and sometimes track information about you. Most webbrowsers automatically accept cookies, but if you prefer, you can change yourbrowser to prevent that. However, you may not be able to take full advantage ofa Web Site if you do so. Cookies are specific to the server that created themand cannot be accessed by other servers, which means they cannot be used totrack your movements around the web. Although they do identify a user'scomputer, cookies do not personally identify customers or passwords. Creditcard information is not stored in cookies.
Weuse cookies for the following reasons:
1. To identify who you are and to access your account information;
2. To estimate our audience size and patterns;
3. To ensure that you are not asked to register twice;
4. To control how often visitors see similar ads;
5. To track preferences and to improve and update our Web Site; and
6. To track the progress and number of entries in some of ourpromotions and contests.
Withwhom is the information shared?
Homesik Company Limited will not share, sell or rent yourpersonal information to third parties. However, we may disclose your personalinformation to third party suppliers who provide services on our behalf.
Homesik Company Limited may disclose aggregate statistics aboutour sales, our Web Site visitors and customers of our telephone services inorder to describe our services to prospective partners, advertisers and otherreputable third parties and for other lawful purposes, but these statisticswill not include personally identifying information.
Homesik Company Limited may disclose personal information ifrequired to do so by law or if it believes that such action is necessary toprotect and defend the rights, property or personal safety of Homesik CompanyLimited and its Web Sites, visitors to the Web Sites and customers of ourServices.
Our Web Site contains links to the sites of third parties. Whenyou visit these sites, we suggest that you read their privacy policies. HomesikCompany Limited is not responsible for the privacy policies or the content ofsuch sites.
We will only sell or rent your personal information to a thirdparty either as part of a sale of the assets of a Homesik Company Limited companyor having ensured that steps have been taken to ensure that your privacy rightscontinue to be protected.
Informationabout products and services
It is very important to us that we provide you with the highestlevel of service. In order to help us do this, from time-to-time HomesikCompany Limited may send you newsletters with
Please e-mail any questions, concerns or comments you have aboutour Privacy Policy to